
Dr Deepa Jayaram
Dr Deepa Jayaram M.D {O& G} Endoscope and laparoscopic surgeon who is well experienced and can manage any emergency and has experience in the field of maternal and women health . She is capable of handling HIGH RISH LABOUR and complicated pregnancies., colposcopy, menopause, oncology and laparoscopic surgery. Her areas of expertise are obstetrics and gynaecology involving teen care, antenatal, intrapartum, post-natal care, painless labour, fertility control, menopause management and infertility, (laparoscopic and hysteroscopic) surgery.

Dr Subha Dhileep
Dr Subha Dhileep M.D MRCOG {U.K} Who is an fertility Consultant and does infertility related Consultation for the Childless couples and has 15 yrs of experience abroad in this field .